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Understanding and Supporting Mental Health

Under the sponsorship of the World Health Organization, World Health Day takes place every year on the 7th of April. Every year, it seeks to draw attention to an important health issue experienced by people across the world, and the focus of this year’s World Health Day was depression and mental health.

Depression is often dubbed ‘the silent killer’ because it may not be immediately apparent to friends and family, and those suffering from depression are often reluctant to speak out and seek help from friends and family or even medical professionals until it is too late. It hampers the performance of even everyday activities, and if left untreated for too long can culminate in devastating consequences.

If you’re suffering from depression, don’t suffer in silence. Seek help from our professional team of Doctors here at Eastbrooke Medical Centres, who will work you to help overcome your issues. Alternatively, if you know someone that is suffering from depression, reach out to them to make sure that they know that they are not alone.

The facts about depression

It is estimated that more than 350 million around the world are suffering from depression, although the exact number is difficult to determine because many cases go undiagnosed. What is known is that suicide is the second most common form of death in 15-29-year-olds worldwide, with a high proportion of cases being a result of depression. Here at home in Australia, it is estimated that there are around 1 million people suffering from depression and at least 2 million suffering from anxiety, depression’s first cousin.

Causes of depression

Depression doesn’t discriminate — it can affect people of all ages. With so many different factors that can cause depression, it is impossible to point to any one source as the main cause when it comes to depression. Depression can be the culmination of prolonged periods of stress, such as struggling with unemployment, being in an unhappy or abusive relationship, feelings of isolation and loneliness as well as a range of other social factors. Studies have shown that depression can also be genetic, and people that are predisposed to worrying a lot and being highly critical of themselves may also be at a higher risk of developing depression. These causes are not exclusive, and depression may often be the result of a combination of more than one factor.

The first step is the most difficult when it comes to depression. So if you are suffering from depression or know of somebody that is, it is vital to seek out support from both medical professionals as well as friends and family.


(pictured right) Dr Tammy Goldberg from the Eastbrooke Clovelly Family Medical Practice shows her support of World Health Day 2017 – Depression #LetsTalk


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